Ada Aharoni
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    IFLAC is a voluntary Association that strives for peace by building bridges of understanding and peace through culture, literature and communication. IFLAC is founded and directed by Egyptian-born Israeli writer Ada Aharoni (Ph.D), since 1999.

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    World Poetry Day 2015

    “Poetry is the universal human song, expressing the aspiration of every woman and man to apprehend the world and share this understanding with others.”

    Irina Bokova, Director General
    Message on World Poetry Day 2015

    March 21 was declared World Poetry Day by UNESCO in 1999. Do you have a poem you want to share with us? The Comments field is open for you!


    3 Comments on “World Poetry Day 2015”

    1. Sohail says:

      Dear Ada and IFLAC members, sending you a poem. I hope you like it…keep up the good work…sohail PEACE

      There is inner peace and there is outer peace

      There is emotional peace and there is social peace

      There is religious peace and there is political peace

      There is local peace and there is global peace

      These are all different colors of peace

      And we need all these colors

      To create a rainbow of peace.



    2. adaaharoni06 says:

      Dear Sohail,
      This is a true and beautiful poem about the different hues of peace! I will publish it on the Iflac Digest too’ which i hope you have subscribed to and receive.
      Kind regards,
      Ada Aharoni


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